Specificity between member, volunteer and volunteer.

From the Latin “voluntas” which means will, volunteering according to BUGGENHOU and D’ HONT, is an activity of a non-binding nature for the benefit of other individuals beyond the community which, unpaid, is carried out in a more or less formal framework by a natural person.


To be a member is to adhere to the mission that HAMA FONDATION has given itself: “to mobilize the appropriate and necessary resources in order to create a platform which contributes to development through a united community and also contributes to the expression, representation, the identification and promotion of a philanthropic, dynamic, innovative and recognized sector, committed to serving causes of general interest; “.
This means that as a member you too seek to “create a positive and lasting impact on projects, people, and their environment in the general interest through social, economic development, education, culture, sport, health and humanitarian projects, arts, agriculture, legal, logistics etc, as described in our statutes.
You confirm that you will respect the confidentiality charter for volunteer members and members of HAMA FOUNDATION.

To be a member is to be invited to the ordinary general meeting which takes place once a year, but also to take part in the extraordinary meetings convened by the Founders on urgent questions. You will see there the balance sheet of the actions of the past year, the precise and transparent state of our financial accounts, the main orientations for the future year, it is to make ourselves available to this worthy cause that we support. As a member, you become ambassadors and actors of HAMA FOUNDATION in your neighborhoods, villages, towns, regions and countries, in compliance with its rules of procedure and its principles.

Membership is valid for one calendar year, free and automatically renewed at the beginning of each year on January 1st, it can be stopped automatically according to the statutory provisions.

💎 The HAMA volunteer
Meaning and content

Thus defined, the volunteer for HAMA FOUNDATION implies a reciprocal and formalized full-time commitment for a given period and a precise mission in general in our structure and or in a different environment where need is felt. It is an opportunity for the HAMA FONDATION solidarity volunteer to contribute their knowledge in order to:

🌐 Confronting the particularities of professional life;

🌐 Sharing and acquiring know-how and know-how in a cultural context, differ because he devotes all his time to the activity of volunteering, the volunteer is not subject to the rules of labor law, but he perceives a monthly subsistence allowance as well as assistance with accommodation, food and a decent living in their assigned environment, they also benefit from health insurance and health coverage and transport costs to and from the place habitual residence at his place of residence.

🌐 Volunteering therefore constitutes for us an act of commitment of individuals in the community or the host community. It helps develop a sense of belonging, inclusion, learning, giving and can further influence the course of the volunteer’s life.
The systematic analysis of the volunteer makes it possible to identify four common criteria:

  1. freedom of choice,
  2. possibility of compensation,
  3. organizational structure and
  4. the intended beneficiaries.

Formally, HAMA FOUNDATION volunteering therefore presupposes:

🔆 A formal commitment materialized by a contract or a legal text binding the two parties;

🔆 The collection of a lump sum, but which does not amount to a salary, as well as the benefit of social protection.

🔆 Availability and permanence in the activity subject of the commitment.

🔆 A derogatory status of labor law.

At this stage it is appropriate to emphasize the importance of volunteering in our organization. Indeed, as the American author Edward OLMOS said, “what volunteers bring is a human contact, a sensitive approach that no government program, even a well-designed and elaborate one, can transmit”. It is therefore for HAMA FOUNDATION to create a public environment where the importance of volunteering is recognized (for example through distinction and other signs of recognition awarded to volunteers and to ensure that there are no legal obstacles or volunteer-volunteering policy.

Thus the HAMA FOUNDATION volunteer promotes values such as altruism, openness to others, respect for others in their differences, tolerance, commitment, solidarity, etc. While testifying to the insufficiency, or even the absence of appropriate responses to the rise in vulnerabilities, precariousness and social exclusion resulting from the crisis of the welfare state and the economic crisis, it allows the early detection of such situations. . It therefore provides faster, more operational and less costly solutions that the State is likely to bear. In short, it presents itself as a natural complement to the action of the public authorities and makes it possible to provide moral and ethical value through a better commitment in the field of social proximity. In the sense that HAMA FOUNDATION plays a relay role for public structures and that they increasingly need proximity to be effective. They should therefore be distinguished from volunteers.


The term “volunteering” from the Latin benevolus or benevoleen “meaning to wish well” is for our organization the situation in which a person selflessly provides a service. The volunteer does not receive any remuneration, however, he can be compensated for the costs incurred by his activity. His participation is voluntary and he can always end it.
According to LYDWINE VERHAEGEN and Nathalie RIGAUX, volunteering is: “an activity having the same weight as work, that is to say that it involves the creation of something that induces self-realization. The professional activity remains the reference in a society where work is no longer enough to fulfill a life, to ensure self-esteem, to create an identity. The individual will seek in another sphere what work is not enough to fill.
The situation of our volunteers is assessed in particular with regard to three criteria:

🔎 Carry out an activity without compensation, which implies the absence of remuneration.

🔎 Be a member of an association without there being a subordination between the volunteer and the association.

🔎 Dedicate at least two hours per week on an annual average, which reflects a real commitment.

International organisations define volunteering to distinguish it from volunteering and membership. Through these conceptions, some characteristics about volunteering can be recognized:

💡 Volunteering is an unpaid and non-compulsory activity.

💡 The volunteer participates in the activity of the organization without receiving from the latter, neither remuneration nor compensation in the reimbursement of costs.

💡 Volunteering does not imply subordination. For this, two types of volunteering are commonly distinguished: “informal” volunteering, unsupervised, sometimes called local volunteering. It is also not qualified or analyzed. Although we do not have any figures, the forms of solidarity that are exercised within the community or those around us make it possible to say that the contribution of informal volunteering can be considerable. While theFormal volunteering takes place within the framework of a structure.