Written by Mr. Emmanuel Viang Engonga, visual artist and Head of Department.
learning through movement
Introduction ….………………………1
Objectives ………………………… 2
Activity ………………………… 3
Difficulties .…………………………4
Proposition …………………………5
Conclusion …………………………6
On the occasion of the donation and accompaniment outing on 26 March, we spent a pleasant day full of joy with the children of the Ekombitié social support centre for education and leisure . Through this visit, HAMA Fondation aimed to bring some value to those vulnerable people, make an act of charity and to maintain them in various activities in particular the activity of plastic arts with the art of sticking. It should be noted that setting up the plastic arts within the HAMA FOUNDATION is a real strategy of psychological support and autonomy of the vulnerable person in the professional art fields.
This art workshop aimed to allow the children to be moved in the creation, to discover various methods of drawing, painting, and to select the forms, the images, the colours, how to use the various techniques in plastic arts and also allowed them to have a rather open and creative spirit with the aim of elaborating compositions, after having sorted out the medium (heterogeneous materials, paint wood, paper, clay etc.) Choose the support, to recreate or express their ideas or feeling. The workshop was facilitated by Emmanuel Viang Engongahead of the arts and culture department.
In fact, he proposed that this activity be carried out in three phases: presentation of the subject (collage technique), presentation of the materials and support, and finally the design of the pictorial works.
🎯 Objectives

To introduce children to the creation of plastic arts through the manipulation of various materials and supports.

Teaching children to draw with scissors, to assemble and to play with colours in a playful and creative way.
- Art of sticking
Cut, Compose, Paste! What do i know?
The art of sticking is a fascinating and subtle art. It is a painting technique that is distinguished by the use of newspaper, magazines or fabric glued to any support, almost exclusively from easel painting.
- The materials used
We used scissors for cutting, A4 cardboard paper as a support, cloth as a medium and synthetic resin glue for gluing.
- Pratic
After having explained the technique of collage; the principle of cutting, composing and gluing, each participant was accompanied in the conception of his or her work, explaining the proportion, the harmony of colours, the balance of masses, while leaving room for the freedom of expression of each participant.
- We note the difficulties with the time given for the exercise. Let’s not forget that artistic practice is a matter of time and patience to hope for a better result. The aim is not to make a scene in a workshop like this, especially as we were dealing with the youngest.
- Another difficulty is the level of support (accessories, etc.), which is available to us. The orphanage does not have these elements or accessories appropriate for the practice, we were forced to work with a table for more than 10 children, you can imagine the clutter etc.
- On the technical side, introducing children to new techniques or disciplines other than those they are familiar with, when they are seeing them for the very first time and especially within a discipline, can be a source of value, which is precisely what indicates a certain lack of understanding. We sometimes have the impression that the latter are discovering what art work is, obviously it comes back to the notion of time and the number of working sessions. Children cannot grasp the basics of a technique in one session, as mentioned above, the aim is not to complete the formalities, but to do it well so that they can take some interest in the exercise.
- Accompanying outings with well-structured training programmes, with the aim of laying the foundations of the discipline and continually inspiring the children to keep up the same consistency in practice.
HAMA FOUNDATION should have a surplus of art materials, in case there is a shortage during a targeted outing like this.

Psychologically accompanying these orphans with the visual arts is a great challenge for us. We want to work with the aim of shaping men and women with intellectual capacities, know-how and skills within these institutes by giving them all the necessary tools that will enable them in the future to set up personal projects and to integrate easily into professional life