Celebrating the 36th edition of International Volunteer Day.

THEME: “Volunteering today for a common future”

Participation of HAMA FONDATION in the celebration of voluntary works.

HAMA FOUNDATION, an international humanitarian organization whose objective is to fill institutional gaps through humanitarian aid in the form of relays of institutions for the reception, accommodation and supervision of people in vulnerable situations, has been involved since March 30 2021 through humanitarian organizations in the support and prevention of disadvantaged strata in various fields including health, education, agriculture, vocational training, art, culture, communication and various other fields .

Through these works to arouse the adhesion of young people to volunteering, HAMA FOUNDATION is committed to volunteering by engaging its volunteers in the field through action not only for the realization of community projects in favor of a general interest, but also so that the person in a situation of vulnerability in an institution thanks to the fixed missions, achieves a greater development. It is with this in mind that on December 05, 2021, HAMA FOUNDATION participated in the celebration of the 36th International Volunteer Day at the Hilton Hotel in Yaoundé.

📢 VOLUNTEERING: what is it really?

Volunteering, an act of your own free will exercised within an organization with the aim of supporting a development project. This area of humanitarian action is increasingly recommended around the world because of its importance; it is in this momentum that the year 2001 was declared the international year of volunteers in the world by the United Nations and the year 2011 as the European year of volunteering by the European Union. Cameroon, a Central African country that has set its emergence in 2035, is in the midst of construction and is using volunteerism as a lever for its development. It is in this wake that the International Volunteer Day was celebrated in Cameroon in the political capital Yaoundé not far from the Hilton Hotel on December 5, 2021 in the presence of the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations system in Cameroon and the Minister of Youth and Civic Education as well as other distinguished guests.

Mobilize all institutional, technical, private and administrative partners in order to support the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education in the organization of this event which is structured around several activities. These are the objectives of the 36th Edition of the International Day of Volunteers declined by THEOPHIL BENGA, MINJEC Secretary, at the opening of this meeting.
Taking the floor to present the activities of this day, the director of the socio-economic integration of young people and volunteering, indicated that the various articulations retained to furnish the said celebration are grouped into three large groups: opening activities, referrals and closing activities.


As for the opening activities having furnished the day of the volunteer, we had the implementation of the logistics, installation of the exhibitors (VNU, CUSO INTERNATIONAL, KOICA, Assistance Germano-Camerounaise, France-VOLUNTEER… etc.) , the opening of the volunteering village and visit of the stands by the public.

Subsequently, there followed the arrival of officials from MINJEC, UN AND MINJEC welcomed by the governor of the center region, the mayor of the city of Yaoundé, the PNV coordinator (National Volunteer Program) and the President of the CNJC (National Youth Council). The opening of the village was done by the MINJEC and the visit of the stands.


The reference activities of this day will have been marked by the performance of the national anthem, the reading of the declaration of the Secretary General of the United Nations by the resident coordinator of the United Nations system in Cameroon, the cultural interlude was marked by a Cameroonian humorist keguegué international thus showing the virtues of volunteering and by attracting the attention of Cameroonian politicians and patrons to refrain from advertising when carrying out their voluntary acts, the speech of the Minister of Youth followed by inviting all Cameroonians to be volunteers in the realization of development projects in their countries and thus encouraging national and international organizations, as well as civil society organizations in their volunteering impulses. These reference activities ended with a cultural interlude to give way to the “cameroon national voluturing award”.


The 36th Edition of the International Volunteer Day at the Hilton HOTEL ended with an award ceremony for the best hand in volunteering held in two waves, each of which included 3 nominees, in particular the best voluntary initiative awarded to the Germano-Cameroonian assistance, the best national volunteer, the best voluntary commitment, the best school hosting voluntary initiatives public school D’Efoulan-Yaoundé, the largest voluntary work.

The day of December 5, 2021 on the theme “volunteering today for a common future” was thus celebrated with a view to supporting the Cameroonian government, national and international organizations as well as civil society organizations in their contribution for the promotion of volunteering which is a humanitarian work, likely to be a lever for the development of Cameroon and a guarantee of many social scourges undermine Cameroonian society, hence the presence of HAMA FOUNDATION staff, it must be said, is with the same aim nationally and internationally.



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